What are the Best Stretches for Hockey?

Category: General Issues

Tags: exercise, hockey, sports

What are the Best Stretches for Hockey_

Stretching is a set of exercises aimed at developing human flexibility.

Benefits of stretching for hockey players

Thanks to hockey stretches:

  • Your body’s capabilities will increase, the step will become wider, the hockey training will be more productive;
  • The range of joint mobility will increase significantly, which will reduce the likelihood of traumatic effects of sudden movements, as well as the likelihood of injury from bumps and falls on ice;
  • Stretching will prepare the muscles for the game and help you recover faster.

Top 20 stretches for hockey

This set of stretching exercises will allow you to best prepare your muscles for playing hockey

Before stretching, spend 2-4 minutes walking or jogging to warm up your muscles.

  1. Stretching the trapezoid and shoulders. A brief description of the exercise: lift your shoulders up, feeling the tension in the area of ​​the trapezoid and neck;
  2. Stretching armpits and shoulders. A brief description of the exercise: take your right hand by the elbow with your left hand and gently lean the body to the left side;
  3. Exercise for stretching shoulders, hands and fingers. A brief description of the exercise: clasp your fingers in the lock, and then raise your arms upside down;
  4. Stretching the shoulders. Brief description of the exercise: gently pull the elbow to the opposite shoulder until you feel the muscles of the shoulder girdle are stretched;
  5. Stretching the upper body. A brief description of the exercise: lift the club with straightened arms above your head and slowly put it behind your back;
  6. Squatting. A brief description of the exercise: squat down, spread your knees 10-30 cm, depending on your flexibility, turn your feet to the sides at an angle of 15-20 degrees;
  7. Stretching the back muscles of the thigh and lower back. A brief description of the exercise: from a standing position, slowly lean down to feel a stretch in the lumbar region and extensors of the thigh;
  8. Groin stretch. A brief description of the exercise: sitting on the floor, connect the soles of bent legs together, then grab your toes with your hands and gently lean forward, feeling the stretch in the inguinal region;
  9. Spinal turns. A brief description of the exercise: gently rotate the head and upper body, while pressing the outer part of the thigh of the left leg with your right hand;
  10. Stretching the thigh and ankle while lying down. Exercise No. 1. Brief description of the exercise: first, holding the leg with your hand, try to advance the thigh and, at the same time, pushing the foot holding the wrist. Thus, you relax the hip extensors, contributing to a better stretching of the hip flexor muscles and the front of the shoulder;
  11. Stretching the thigh and ankle while lying down. Exercise No. 2. Brief description of the exercise: grab your hand by the foot and pull it to the buttock, feeling the tension in the ankle and front of the thigh;
  12. Stretching the buttocks and back of the thigh. A brief description of the exercise: while lying on your back, lift one leg up to feel the stretch in the area of ​​the back of the thigh and buttocks;
  13. Stretching and relaxing the muscles of the back of the thigh. Brief description of the exercise: while lying on your back, pull one leg to your chest to feel a stretch in the area of ​​the back of the thigh;
  14. Exercise for the lower back and the outside of the pelvis. A brief description of the exercise: tilt your left leg with your right hand to feel stretching in the lumbar region and the outer thigh;
  15. Stretching the body. A brief description of the exercise: lying on your back, stretch in different directions with straightened arms and legs and at the same time pull the stomach;
  16. Exercise to relieve tension in the neck. A brief description of the exercise: lying on your back, grab your head by the hands and lift it up to feel the stretching of the muscles of the neck;
  17. Stretching of the knees, quadriceps and ankle. A brief description of the exercise: smoothly lean back to feel a slight stretch. If, sitting in this position, you experience discomfort, or even pain, then lean forward and rest your hands on the floor;
  18. Stretching the hip joints. A brief description of the exercise: without lowering the knee of the hind leg to the floor, gently lower the pelvis down;
  19. Squatting. A brief description of the exercise: squat down, turn your feet to the sides at an angle of 15-20 degrees and, depending on your flexibility, spread your knees 10-30 cm;
  20. Stretching calves. A brief description of the exercise: take a position as shown in the figure and gently push the pelvis forward to feel the tension in the calves.

It will take you about 8 minutes to complete the entire set of exercises, but if you don’t have enough time, we suggest you complete the mini-complex, which includes exercises No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20. To complete the mini-complex, you only need only about 4 minutes.